It's all fun and games...

We all know that playing sports is fun and good for your health. What is not commonly known is that there are a growing number of athletes that suffer from preventable eye injuries every year. Eye injuries occur more frequently in the summer months, when people are likely to be outside playing recreational sports — often without protective equipment. Types of eye injuries: Blunt - or impact...Read more

Injury, Safety and Obesity – Stats Canada releases Canadian Community Health Survey

Today Statistics Canada released its annual Canadian Community Health Survey and the results were very disappointing. Canadians are not only more obese than they were in 2008, but they are also getting injured more frequently when doing physical activity. Canadians are also risking more injury by not wearing a helmet when participating in sports such as cycling. According to the survey 46% of...Read more

Don’t Get a Bruisin’ While You’re Cruisin’ ~ Wear a Helmet!

As the weather gets warmer more bicycles are on the road. It is an excellent form of transportation, exercise and a great way to spend time with family and friends. Keeping safe while you are out riding is very important, broken bones and concussion are not fun. One of the best ways to prevent injury is to wear a helmet and learn bike safety. Did you know that the skull can be cracked going at...Read more