Workplace Health Promotion

Workplaces everywhere are feeling the impact of current health levels of the Canadian workforce with: high stress, poor job satisfaction, growing absenteeism, high turnover, and mistakes caused by physical and mental fatigue. A healthy workplace creates happier, productive employees, which in the end increases your bottom line. It simply makes good business sense to invest in your work...Read more

A New Name for Senior Games

The Ontario Senior Games Program has a new name effective immediately. Going forward, they will be referred to as the Ontario 55+ Summer Games and the Ontario 55+ Winter Games, keeping it consistent with the Canada 55+ Games (national Senior Games) and six other provinces and territories. The Ontario 55+ Games and other provincial events, are the qualifiers for the Canada 55+ Games held every two...Read more

Injury, Safety and Obesity – Stats Canada releases Canadian Community Health Survey

Today Statistics Canada released its annual Canadian Community Health Survey and the results were very disappointing. Canadians are not only more obese than they were in 2008, but they are also getting injured more frequently when doing physical activity. Canadians are also risking more injury by not wearing a helmet when participating in sports such as cycling. According to the survey 46% of...Read more