Use Your Head ... Safely!

Concussion awareness and prevention has been a rising issue throughout the sports world in recent years. Particular attention is being paid to head injury in youth sports and its lasting effects as children get older. For the game of soccer, this means addressing the necessity of ‘heading’ in youth divisions. Heading in soccer occurs when a player uses their head to alter and control the...Read more

10 Tips for reducing the risks of ski and snowboarding injuries

Winter is here and skis and snowboards are being polished up for weekends spent on the hill. Both skiing and snowboarding are excellent winter activities for adults and youth to enjoy as a recreational pastime or competitively. Propelling yourself down a mountain at high speeds does have its share of risks, so we're sharing some tips for keeping yourself and your family safe on the hill this...Read more

It's all fun and games...

We all know that playing sports is fun and good for your health. What is not commonly known is that there are a growing number of athletes that suffer from preventable eye injuries every year. Eye injuries occur more frequently in the summer months, when people are likely to be outside playing recreational sports — often without protective equipment. Types of eye injuries: Blunt - or impact...Read more

Saving Face

The position of goaltender in the game of professional hockey is so specialized that no goalies play other positions, and likewise, no other players play goalie. Because of the tremendous power of the shots of the puck towards the net, the goaltender wears special equipment designed to protect the body from direct impact. Goalies may use any part of their bodies to block shots, including their...Read more

Just a hit to the head or a concussion?

We often hear about the severity of head trauma and coaches are encouraged to check for symptoms of concussions (dizzy, headache, light sensitive). However, recent studies are showing that repeated hits to the head, concussed or not, may result in long term side effects. In particular athletes who receive frequent head blows in sports such as football, boxing, soccer, equestrian etc may suffer...Read more