Winter Fitness: Preventing Frostnip, Frostbite and Hypothermia when Training in the Cold

Frostnip, frostbite , and hypothermia are the three primary cold weather injuries athletes are exposed to in winter. All three can affect athletes in different winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, ice skating and a few summer sports as well, such as football, field hockey and baseball. Fortunately, frostnip, frostbite, and hypothermia are completely preventable with an...Read more

Working out in a Winter Wonderland

With Christmas approaching the inevitable drop in temperature is upon us. The good news is that this colder weather brings with it a plethora of outdoor winter activities to enjoy. People often have very practical reasons for wanting to avoid the outdoors as the temperature drops, the most common are a fear of getting hypothermia or severe frostbite . Thankfully if you prepare properly and plan...Read more

Should athletes continue to train through illness?

Every athlete during their career has experienced the frustration of illness which often temporarily derails their training. Many times the length of time off is determined by the severity of the illness and the rate of recovery, however, there are many athletes that claim that they've pushed through and trained while sick. Training while sick and ignoring symptoms of illness may increase the...Read more

Environmental factors in exercise and sports performance

Preparing for competition requires physical and mental training, proper nutrition, and recovery. It is also essential to understand your competition and how each athlete fits within the team dynamics. These factors, for the most part, are all factors that can be controlled. Then there are factors such as the temperature, allergens, pollution and altitude that cannot be controlled and can have...Read more

Reflecting on Night Safety

The days are getting shorter, which means that any outdoor workouts done before or after work will probably be done in the dark. For the next few months it's important to take some time to make sure you are prepped to ensure your safety when training at night . Remember to: Dress to be seen - The biggest difference between exercising at night versus during the day is visibility. This is an...Read more

Winter Cycling

/*--> */ by Michelle Caron Algonquin College Library Technician Student SIRC Intern Peering outside in the morning darkness when it’s cold and windy outside is enough to discourage even the most determined cyclists. However, making the appropriate adjustments for the climate in the winter months can make Wear bright clothing, winter consists of shorter daylight hours and flying snow can make it...Read more

The 2018 Olympic Winter Games City Named in July 2011

In just over seven week’s time, on July 6, 2011, the Since 2002, all IOC voting members are no longer allowed to travel to candidate cities and must rely on the bid city presentations. Only the small team that forms the evaluation committee is permitted to visit the cities, so that they can prepare the reports to share with the rest of the IOC members. Yesterday in Switzerland at the IOC...Read more

Winter Running

Recent news reports have focused on the severe winter weather that has suddenly hit Canada. For a lot of runners this weather can be discouraging. Winter running does not have to be extreme or unsafe, it should be fun. Cold weather running should be exhilarating as it is a great way to get fresh air, spend some outdoor time with friends, and enjoy the beauty of the season. It all depends on how...Read more

Baby It’s Cold Outside…

We will see 150 competitive events in the upcoming Winter Games in February but that doesn’t cover all of the activities that are available in the winter months! Winter weather has arrived in Canada and across the country temperatures can range from +9°C to -45°C. For most of the country this means it is cold outside – freezing cold – and you have two choices stay inside or go outside and play!...Read more