Putting "Inclusion" into Practice for our LGBTQI2S Community

Like many sport organizations across Canada, the Canada Games Council (CGC) has recognized inclusion as a core value within its strategic plan, but what does that really mean in practice? For the CGC, inclusion includes policies, procedures and programs focused on opportunities for: Women Indigenous individuals Minority populations Individuals with physical disabilities Individuals with...Read more

The Art of Steeplechasing

As the Canada Summer Games and the International Association of Athletics Federation , IAAF, start taking place in August, track and field will be back on center stage. The beauty of track and field is that there are no referees or timeouts. It is all about who can get from one point to the other the fastest, who can jump the highest and longest and who can throw the furthest. Of course there are...Read more

Canada Summer Games - Sherbrooke 2013

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Canada Summer Games - Sherbrooke 2013 The Canada Games is an exciting sporting event that will host 4,200 of Canada's top athletes as they compete in over 20 different disciplines. Supported by over 5000 volunteers, it brings all the provinces and territories together in the largest national multi-sport event for young athletes in Canada. This year it will be...Read more

Aboriginal Youth Unite This Week in Prince Rupert, B.C.

The 9th Annual Aboriginal Youth Conference called “ Gathering Our Voices 2011 ” is currently taking place this week in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. This is an excellent opportunity to promote healthy living in Aboriginal communities as well as to provide education to Aboriginal youth on many important topics. Hosted by the British Columbia Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres , the...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Thanks and Come Back Soon! by Chris Morrissey, CEO, 2011 Canada Games The 18 days of the Games have flown by, and while I'll leave it up to everyone else to judge our success, we're ending these Games with above all else - pride and confidence. The speed of our ice, the quality of our snow, the hospitality of our people. The volunteers, staff, and officials who took it upon themselves to ensure...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Farewell to Halifax & the 2011 Canada Games by Michele Walker, SIRC The 2011 Canada Winter Games are now officially closed and Halifax has bid farewell to their guests. The Games' 90-minute Closing Ceremony featured a variety of East Coast musical performers and the traditional parade of athletes, with the Games' torch being marched in by a group of Nova Scotia medal winners and handed over...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

The Closing Ceremony Nears By Michele Walker, SIRC In a few days time (Sunday, February 27 to be exact), the Closing Ceremony for the 2011 Canada Winter Games will be held at 1 p.m. (local time) at the Halifax Metro Centre. The But how is the Closing Ceremony so different from the Opening Ceremony? Well, technically, it’s not really. There is music and flags and speeches and traditions honoured...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Who Rocks The House? BC Rocks the House! By Team BC Mission Staff That has been the recurring chant throughout the week-and-a-half that we have been competing at the Canada Winter Games. Accompanied by the waving of the popular scarves bearing the same slogan, along with a variety of noisemakers thoughtfully provided to the parents and fans of Team BC ’s athletes, the words have been resonating...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Investing in the Pursuit of Excellence by Pat Lechelt , Chef de Mission, Team Alberta It was a remarkable opening week of competition at the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Halifax – Team Alberta racked up 39 medals, with 11 of them earned on the second day! I am very proud of our athletes, and proud that the Government of Alberta has supported them by investing in international standard facilities...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

My Experience at the Canada Winter Games By Marcia Filgiano , Squash, Team Quebec A week ago today I flew into Halifax with Team Quebec feeling slightly nervous, a little tired, but most of all excited. Many people had told me that the Canada Winter Games are a one-of-a-kind, exhilarating experience and, after a week, I can truly say that the Games have met and surpassed my expectations. As a...Read more