Escaping the In-Between: A Rationale for Training Away from Home

Many Canadian athletes take advantage of travel to other regions and countries to experience training in different climates and/or different physical environments. For many it is an opportunity to train at different conditions and for some to escape the cold, hot, rainy or snowy weather of Canada. We asked Jason Dunkerley, Paralympic runner, to share his thoughts on why he goes on training trips...Read more

Summer Safety: Preventing Heat Illness

Heat illness is a broad term that encompasses several conditions, ranging from mild heat cramps to heat stroke. Heat illness is typically caused by a combination of hot environment, strenuous exercise, inadequate adaptation to the heat, age, hydration levels and/or a poor choice of clothing. It’s always a risk in summer sports, particularly football and running. Many factors can contribute to a...Read more

Environmental factors in exercise and sports performance

Preparing for competition requires physical and mental training, proper nutrition, and recovery. It is also essential to understand your competition and how each athlete fits within the team dynamics. These factors, for the most part, are all factors that can be controlled. Then there are factors such as the temperature, allergens, pollution and altitude that cannot be controlled and can have...Read more

Stay Healthy, Save Money and the Environment - Bike to Work

Incorporating cycling into your work week will keep you strong and healthy, save you money and gives the added bonus of being easy on the environment. Environment week in Canada (June 3-6) is coming up soon and we would like to encourage all of you to get on your bikes and ride to work that week! We all know that cycling has many benefits that include improved muscle tone, increased stamina and...Read more

The Art of Waxing

Seeing as it’s the end of November, some areas of Canada have already seen snow, while others are one big snow storm away. If you are thinking of taking up cross country skiing, now is a good time to start thinking about preparing for the ski season before the trails are calling your name. As Cross Country Canada says, cross-country skiing is easy to learn and its benefits for health and wellness...Read more

"Playing for a Greener Future"!

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Qatar Olympic Committee (QNOC), hosted the 9th World Conference on Sport and the Environment this week in Doha, Qatar. Joining the hosts were over 650 participants representing National Olympic Committees (NOC), international federations (IF), the Olympic Games organizing...Read more