Escaping the In-Between: A Rationale for Training Away from Home

Many Canadian athletes take advantage of travel to other regions and countries to experience training in different climates and/or different physical environments. For many it is an opportunity to train at different conditions and for some to escape the cold, hot, rainy or snowy weather of Canada. We asked Jason Dunkerley, Paralympic runner, to share his thoughts on why he goes on training trips...Read more

Les facteurs environnementaux dans l’exercice et la performance sportive

Se préparer pour la compétition exige de l’entraînement physique et mental, une bonne nutrition et de la récupération. Il est aussi essentiel de comprendre votre compétition et comment chaque athlète se situe dans la dynamique de l’équipe. Ces facteurs, en majorité, sont tous des facteurs qui peuvent être contrôlés. Ensuite il y a des facteurs comme la température, les allergènes, la pollution et...Read more

Environmental factors in exercise and sports performance

Preparing for competition requires physical and mental training, proper nutrition, and recovery. It is also essential to understand your competition and how each athlete fits within the team dynamics. These factors, for the most part, are all factors that can be controlled. Then there are factors such as the temperature, allergens, pollution and altitude that cannot be controlled and can have...Read more

Altitude Training

Training at high altitude has long been used by Olympians as a means of improving their potential. We all know that athletes always seek to get a competitive edge but what does altitude training really do for an athlete? Benefits of Altitude Training For any type of exercise that lasts longer than a few minutes the body needs to use oxygen to the produce energy required for the specific exercise...Read more

Mountain Sickness Can Happen to Anyone

It is not uncommon for members of national sports team to go on mountain training camps at high altitudes, but trips to the mountains can also include holiday excursions and recreational charges up the inclines. Whether it is for training or for pleasure, any altitude activity should be approached with the proper safety knowledge. Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is an illness that can affect...Read more