The Need for Fibre

Although it has very little caloric value, fibre is still essential to your diet and offers a wide range of health benefits. The recommended daily allowance of fibre is 20-35 grams per day between soluble and insoluble varieties (although the average daily fibre intake is closer to 15 grams). While all athletes, recreational and competitive, need to make sure of a regular supply of fibre in their...Read more

Pomegranates .. the Super Food!

We have all heard of so called “super foods”. Well the” super food” that gets the most attention this time of year, is the pomegranate . A native fruit of Iran, pomegranates are now available year round, however are considered “in season” now until February. The health benefits of pomegranates are constantly being researched. To date the list includes: Very high in antioxidants Lowering bad...Read more