Can Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation Improve Athletic Performance?

Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with various health benefits , affecting heart and brain health, learning, and cholesterol levels. Its anti-inflammatory properties have led researchers to explore how omega-3 supplementation could mediate the effects of exercise-induced muscle damage. What implications does omega-3 fatty acid supplementation have for athletes and their performance? Exercise-...Read more

Reducing inflammation

Inflammation is not all bad - in fact it's the body's way of naturally protecting itself and enabling the healing process to begin. It's when inflammation persists and becomes chronic that it can cause issues. Inflammation can be managed quite easily by following simple dietary requirements and lifestyle changes such as sleeping patterns. A common practice for reducing or treating inflammation is...Read more

Diminuer l’inflammation

L’inflammation * n’est pas entièrement mauvaise - en réalité, c’est la façon par laquelle le corps se protège naturellement et permet au processus de guérison de commencer. C’est quand l’inflammation se prolonge et devient chronique qu’elle peut devenir un problème. L’inflammation peut être gérée assez facilement en suivant des exigences diététiques saines et des changements dans le style de vie...Read more

Fuel your body for winter

This time of year life gets tends to get a little busier and with all the events during the holiday season it's easy to let Omega 3's - For those Canadians that suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD), nutrition experts recommend introducing Omega-3 fats in your diet since these have been shown to relieve symptoms of mild depression. Salmon, walnuts and flax seeds are all good sources of...Read more

Can Omega-3 fats aid performance?

Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fat found naturally in fish oils, which have long been thought to be good for general health. There are claims that it improves everything from brain function, to cardiovascular health, but does it give athletes an edge? A recent study found that Omega-3 fatty acids may increase physical conditioning by improving the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory...Read more