Reducing inflammation

Inflammation is not all bad - in fact it's the body's way of naturally protecting itself and enabling the healing process to begin. It's when inflammation persists and becomes chronic that it can cause issues. Inflammation can be managed quite easily by following simple dietary requirements and lifestyle changes such as sleeping patterns. A common practice for reducing or treating inflammation is...Read more

Rotator Cuff Tears - Symptoms and Treatment

Injury to the shoulder is common in sport especially with athletes who depend on regular and heavy use of the shoulder joint, for example: baseball, tennis, badminton, weightlifting, football, golf and swimming. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that work together to stabilize the shoulder joint. It is a ball and socket type joint where the top part of the arm bone (humerus) forms a...Read more

Does exercise help osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis or "common arthritis" is the gradual wearing down of the joint's hyaline cartilage. Our joint's have a shiny, smooth surface at the end of each bone which allows friction and free motion. When this area becomes damaged, thinned or worn away it is known as osteoarthritis. The rubbing of the damaged area is painful and the repetition leads to inflammation, swelling and more pain...Read more