Does Foam Rolling Work?

The primary purpose of a foam roller is to force a tight muscle to relax thus reducing pain and allow the opposing muscle to contract and stabilize the joint. When this happens, it can help increase range of motion, reduce inflammation, reduce scar tissue, and improve circulation as well as flexibility. They are used as a tool in the self-administered release of tension in soft tissue and are...Read more

Is massage effective for exercise recovery?

For most coaches, trainers, and athletes, massage is an integral part of a training and competition program. Sports massage can be used to improve athletic performance , speed recovery , and can be used by all individuals, professional or recreational athletes, to help improve conditioning and maintain peak performance. What is sport massage? Sports massage is the assessment and hands-on...Read more

Getting in Touch with Massage

Massage is considered to be an essential part of an elite athlete’s training and recovery program. The physical manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, serves to aid in the healing and recovery process, as well as to promote relaxation and well-being of the human body. This is why many cultures around the world have been using massage as a form of treatment...Read more