Hungry to Compete

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 10:19

Coaches, trainers, anyone a part of an athlete’s support team, have a crucial role in not only preventing problematic eating, but also being the first responder in identifying the signs and symptoms. Recent studies show that athletes who have positive coach-athlete relations are less at risk of developing disordered eating habits. Coaches should work with their athletes to create a strong and positive psychological make-up that minimizes an athlete’s self-directed pressures.

In raising awareness of eating disorders in the athlete community it is important to note that while most studies have focused on either female athletes, those involved in aesthetically styled sports, or sports divided by weight class, that eating disorders are not limited to these groups. Regardless of gender or sport, eating disorders are diseases that can affect any type of athlete.

References available from SIRC Collection:

1. Bond C, Bonci L, Vanderbunt E, et al. National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Preventing, Detecting, and Managing Disordered Eating in Athletes. Journal Of Athletic Training. January 2008;43(1):80-108. 
2. Chaki B, Pal S, Bandyopadhyay A. Exploring scientific legitimacy of orthorexia nervosa:a newly emerging eating disorder. Journal Of Human Sport & Exercise. December 2013;8(4):1045-1053.
3. Currie A. Sport and Eating Disorders - Understanding and Managing the Risks. Asian Journal Of Sports Medicine. June 2010;1(2):63-68. 
4. Glazer J. Eating Disorders Among Male Athletes. Current Sports Medicine Reports (American College Of Sports Medicine). November 2008;7(6):332-337. 
5. Haase A. Physique Anxiety and Disordered Eating Correlates in Female Athletes: Differences in Team and Individual Sports. Journal Of Clinical Sport Psychology. September 2009;3(3):218-231. 
6. Selby C, Reel J. A Coach's Guide to Identifying and Helping Athletes with Eating Disorders. Journal Of Sport Psychology In Action. May 2011;2(2):100-112. 
7. Sundgot-Borgen J, Torstveit M. Aspects of disordered eating continuum in elite high-intensity sports. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports. October 2, 2010;20:112-121. 
8. Torstveit M, Rosenvinge J, Sundgot-Borgen J. Prevalence of eating disorders and the predictive power of risk models in female elite athletes: a controlled study. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports. February 2008;18(1):108-118.