Conflict Management: "Why can't we all just get along?"
Webinar Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Executive Directors and Board Members in sport organizations, often find themselves in the midst of conflict, either between themselves or with national or provincial counterparts. Today’s session will explore the most common internal and external conflicts and provide some advice on how best to avoid these problems and how to handle those that couldn’t be avoided.
Peter has designed this session to explore some of what he has found to be the key steps to take in order to move the parties away from their conflict positions and towards agreement on a positive outcome.
Participants will examine the various “stages” of a dispute and will be guided through establishing some best practices for conducting themselves in a manner to both resolve the dispute for the benefit of the parties involved and, ultimately, for the betterment of the organization. The goal of this interactive session will be to provide you with some concrete tools to utilize when managing your next conflict.