CASM Sport Medicine Conference Concludes

Monday, June 14, 2010 - 09:53

SIRC concluded a successful trip to the CASM Sport Medicine Conference held in Toronto. Nancy Rebel and Amanda Street-Bishop represented SIRC on the final day of exhibits and were please to speak with many attendees. Professionals representing the sport medicine, chiropractic and physical therapy fields were pleased to find out about the SIRC services available to them. Particularly well received was the twice-monthly newsletter and access to the SIRC Librarians and Information Specialists to assist in their research needs.

Subjects of interest discussed with the attendees included:

  • Concussions
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Heat Exhaustion Recovery
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • H1N1 and Swimming

SIRC is delighted to be working with the Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine (CASM) to be providing their members access to the latest in sports science and practitioner resources.
