Staying Cool When the Heat (and Humidity) is On!

Yes, these are the dog days of summer. The days Canadians long for in mid January. But now that they are here, somehow we find ourselves suffering in oppressive humidity and extreme temperatures. But humidity can do more than make you feel tired, clammy and have a bad hair day. It can affect sports performances and just about any outdoor physical activity and how the body attempts to cool itself...Read more

Exercising in a heat wave…

According to the news we are experiencing a heat wave in Ottawa. This means that we have three or more consecutive days of temperatures over 32ºC. However, the humidex is pushing it up to 44ºC and that is H-O-T! How does this effect physical activity? It’s the summer, and for most their days and evening are made up of outdoor activities. Rising temperatures call for smart planning when preparing...Read more