Sport Tourism Leads The Way

The fastest growing segment in the tourism industry is definitely sport tourism, since hosting events is the perfect way to drive visitors to a town whether it is from across the province or around the world. From Little League tournaments to World Championships and beyond, cities are finding ways to host events like never before so that their hotel rooms are filled, facilities are utilized,...Read more

The Guide to Adventure Travel

Travel and sport are often used together when thinking of traveling for the next hockey or basketball tournament. But now more than ever, adventure sport enthusiasts are combining their love of sport and travel and turning it into a winning combination. A recent article about adventure travel from the SIRC Collection gives the readers the basics everyone will need to have a safe and successful...Read more

Get active on vacation!

It’s never too early to start thinking about your summer vacation. This year why not try to make it an active holiday. With the sport tourism industry growing by leaps and bounds, many people are jumping on the bandwagon and centering their holidays around participating in a sporting activity. Whether you enjoy cycling, sailing, running, hiking, climbing, or any other activity there are many...Read more

What is sport tourism?

While there are varying definitions it is generally agreed upon that there are two primary characteristics of sport tourism: An individual must travel more than 80km and/or stay overnight to attend, compete, or otherwise be involved in a sporting event. Sport is the reason for travel in that an individual would not have otherwise traveled to that location had it not been for that specific event...Read more