Beat the Heat … Cramps!

When the weather heats up and humidity sores we are all on the lookout to prevent dehydration. We’ve been taught to drink up and replace lost fluids and electrolytes. But how do we prevent the muscle cramping that can also occur during this weather? Recently it has been suggested that diluted pickle juice , mustard or vinegar can help fight off exercise-related cramping . Cramps can be caused by...Read more

At SIRC You Learn Something New Every Day!

The SIRC Collection receives new publications everyday and it is always exciting to see what new research and fun facts are being published. It is very common to hear one of the SIRC Staff start a sentence with “Did you know…” As we come to the end of 2009 here are a few items that have completed the “Did you know…” sentence. About 25% of athletic trainers use pickle juice to treat muscle cramps...Read more