Getting Physical! Engaging Seniors in Sports

Whether you are young or old, sports are an incredible way to strengthen friendships, meet new people, and to stay healthy. There are many physical and mental health benefits of active aging and lifelong sport participation. Statistics Canada shows that young Canadians between the ages of 15-19 are participating in sport at a 54% rate, whereas only 17% of seniors are engaged. Why is there such a...Read more

3 Key Training Elements for Masters Athletes

Masters athletes is a term that encompasses a wide range of active men and women over 35 who compete in sports at a very high level; they can range from the weekend warrior to elite competitor. Baby boomers are a large part of the growing number of older adults who are either picking up a new sport or continuing to train and compete over the course of their life. Not surprising that these...Read more

Masters Athletes

Masters athletes are men and women over 35 who compete in sports at a very high level. Not surprising that these athletes are more fit than your average adult, with the majority of them being healthier and just as competitive then people half their age. SIRC was inspired by Olga Kotelko and the book What Makes Olga Run and we were saddened by her recent passing. At 95, Olga held over 25 world...Read more