International Olympic Day - June 23
Thursday, June 21, 2012 - 11:43
Due to WWII, the Olympic Games had not been held in 1940 or 1944 so the city of London rose to host the XIV Games after the war. In January 1948, the International Olympic Committee, (mainly due to the efforts of Pierre de Coubertin), approved the idea of Olympic Day as a sort of “birthday” of the Olympic Movement.
Celebrated annually to commemorate the birth of the modern Olympic Games at the Sorbonne in Paris, Olympic Day was originally held on June 23, 1948 with a total of 9 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) hosting ceremonies in their respective countries, with Canada being one of the original participants. This day is meant to inspire people to adopt and apply the Olympic Values (excellence, fun, fairness, respect, personal growth, leadership and peace).
If you would like to join in the celebrations, the Olympic Fair will be held in Ottawa this weekend on Rideau Grounds and will be in conjunction with the CHEO Teddy Bear Picnic. We are also having a Teddy Bear Prize Pack Giveaway where you can enter to win here.
This is an opportunity to launch a "call to action" to every Canadian to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles. This is also a great time to thank the many volunteers who are instrumental in promoting healthy lifestyles and the Olympic Values. We look forward to seeing you at the Olympic Fair!
References from the SIRC Collection
1. Celebrate Olympic Day. Parks & Recreation. June 2010;45(6):48.
2. Espagnac S. Olympic Day and a culture of peace. Olympic Review. December 2000;27(36):20-22.
3. Landon C, Leenheer D. Olympic Day Celebrates Coaches. Olympic Coach. Summer2011 2011;22(1):25-26.
4. Olympic Day 2011. JOPERD: The Journal Of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. April 2011;82(4):3.