
The purpose of this webinar is to promote, across the country, best practices and examples of Canadian Sport Policy (CSP) implementation. The webinar has 3 panelists sharing, 1 or 2 of their programs that best illustrate the Canadian Sport Policy 2.0 being implemented in the sport community. The goal of this webinar is to Increase awareness of CSP and encourage knowledge sharing.

The three panelists will highlight:

Athlete Pathways SIRCuit

You are making a difference in the lives of our youth. A successful sport development program will capture, retain, excite and empower our athletes. Today's youth are faced with so many opportunities and demands for their time. Our role is to give them the options so that they can make the...

Tags: SIRCuitAthlete Developmentathlete development high performanceSIRCuit Issue

Link Overreaching and Overtraining in Athletes

A major sports challenge for coaches today involves helping their athletes develop an effective balance, between their training, competition, recovery, rest...

Tags: athlete development high performancefeatured
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