CSP Engagement in the community

Webinar Date: 
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The purpose of this webinar is to promote, across the country, best practices and examples of Canadian Sport Policy (CSP) implementation. The webinar has 3 panelists sharing, 1 or 2 of their programs that best illustrate the Canadian Sport Policy 2.0 being implemented in the sport community. The goal of this webinar is to Increase awareness of CSP and encourage knowledge sharing.

The three panelists will highlight:

  • An Innovative Sport funding approach in Quebec
  • Educating on physical literacy and Engaging Nova Scotian communities using Canadian Sport four Life
  • Developing safe and welcoming sport communities in Manitoba using Respect in Sport



After a career of more than 20 years in communications and marketing followed by a dozen of years in charitable organization management, Mr. Drolet has gained a broad knowledge...Read more

Amy is the Director of Sport Development for Sport Nova Scotia.  She has a rich sport background as an athlete, coach, and administrator. A former semi-professional hockey...Read more

Greg is the Director of Coaching for Sport Manitoba. His sport administration and coaching experience began with volleyball including positions with Volleyball Manitoba and the...Read more