Revenue Generation in Sport

Webinar Date: 
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Highlights from the Canadian Sponsorship Landscape Study and Related Research

Today’s not-for-profit sport organizations are faced with increasing pressure to diversify their revenue resources. Board members, provincial associations, clubs, and athletes, all have expectations of increased corporate support for their organizations.

There is a toolbox of possible tactics within this portfolio of expectation. Sponsorship is a primary focus but this toolbox includes others, such as partnerships, which are ideal in certain contexts.

This presentation will provide an overview of the current landscape of sponsorship in Canada and touch on related tactics for specific application by sport organizations. It will further identify areas of opportunity, along with the realities facing such organizations in considering, pursuing and implementing sponsorship and partnership strategies.

PDF icon Power Point SlidesPDF icon PDF of the Canadian Sponsorship Landscape Study

Dr. Norm O'Reilly

Dr. O’Reilly is a Professor of Sport Business with the University of Ottawa, and a Senior Advisor with TrojanOne Marketing specializing in revenue generation and sponsorship...Read more