Happy birthday? How your birthdate contributes to success or failure due to the “relative age effect”

Have you ever stopped to wonder the difference a day can make? Say, being born December 31 st or January 1 st ? This small 24-hour window could be the difference between competing in elite vs. recreational sport, or being identified as “gifted”, or (mis)diagnosed with a learning disability in school. Many youth development systems (e.g., sport and education) rely on arbitrary cut-off dates to...Read more


SIRC is pleased to be working together with Sport Canada to share current research on topics informing policy and promoting quality sport programming. This week we are sharing highlights of a recent article examining THE DEVELOPMENT OF PARALYMPIC ATHLETES IN CANADA. How Countries Identify, Recruit, and Prepare Future Athletes for the Paralympics: Case Study - Canada. Higgs C and Legg D. (2016)...Read more

Talent Identification

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Talent Identification The process of detecting, identifying, and selecting talent is an enormous and difficult challenge that has long been discussed by National Sport Organizations, coaches and sport science experts, among others. Currently, the majority of organizations have talent identification or talent emergence programs in place, with all of them...Read more