Words from Whistler

Whistler Proud of Ashleigh McIvor, Ski Cross Olympic Champion Ashleigh McIvor, from Whistler B.C., sent her fans and family into an instant frenzy as she became the first Olympic champion of Women’s Ski Cross. She showed complete focus and control and never seemed to waver as she skied the race she wanted to run and captured the gold medal. While the race through the difficult white out...Read more

What are coaches reading?

According to a recent issue of Olympic Coach, a lot! And you would be surprised at some of the titles. Oh there are the usual suspects – Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training , Athletic Development: The Art and Science of Functional Sports Training , and Running – Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology Applied in Practice But then there are some unusual titles. Books such as Mindset by...Read more

The Science of Superstitions

Have you ever noticed that your teammate beside you always puts their left skate on before their right and always wears different colour stockings? Have you ever wondered why your teammate ties each of their cleats three times or must shoot at the net exactly 7 times during warm up? The answer to the whys of these questions is a matter of superstition. You’ll notice that most everyone has...Read more

Vancouver 2010 Olympics Off to a Great Start!

With the Winter Olympic Games well underway in Vancouver many of us are learning more about sports that we aren’t as familiar with, and learning new facts about our old favourites. Everyone now knows the answer to the question of who was the first Canadian to win gold at a home Games, Alex Bilodeau scored big to win gold in the men’s moguls competition. So how’s your knowledge of the other...Read more

2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics

Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter - 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics ! With the 2010 Winter Olympic Games starting this week in Vancouver, Olympic fever is upon us. It is hard to walk down the street without seeing someone wearing the famous red mittens or open the paper and not see stories about the Vancouver Olympics. These Games are sure to be an action packed two weeks but what will make the...Read more

What would you do with $750,000? Facts and Numbers of the Games

With four days until the Opening Ceremony the world is turning its attention to British Columbia. You have probably heard lots about the athletes, the venues , the torch run and maybe some things about how much things are going to cost. Have you ever considered how much it would cost for a prime-time ad slot during the Olympics? On NBC the going rate for a 30-second prime time slot is $750,000...Read more

SIRC on the Road in Charlotte, NC

Nancy Rebel, one of SIRC’s sport librarians, attended the Joint Commission on Sports Medicine & Science ( JCSMS ) Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina this weekend. The purpose of the Joint Commission is to provide a platform through which the leaders of sports medicine and exercise science organizations from the United States and Canada can convene to promote cooperation and...Read more

Durham College Students learn the value of research!

Amanda Street-Bishop (Toronto’s Regional Information Specialist) received an invitation from Durham College’s Professor Kate Houze, to speak to their first year students enrolled in the Sport Administration and Sport Management programs. Students partook in a hands-on workshop which allowed them to learn about SIRC and how they can use us to help them in their second semester Sport Research...Read more

Heavy Lifters!!

Weightlifting , not a sport you usually think about doing in your retirement. Golf, bowling, curling – these are the more common pursuits of the retired generation. But these sports are not for everyone, especially if you are a Canadian Masters Weightlifting record holder and gold medalist. Bernie Eckler, a regular visitor to SIRC’s Toronto Regional library, is just that. Even though he is fast...Read more

Toronto Info Session a Great Success!

On January 28th the Toronto Regional Office of SIRC held an information session for SIRC members who were interested in learning how to better work with the SIRC Collection and SIRC Services to help them and their organization. We had a full house with representatives from a variety of organizations including the Ontario Badminton Association , Ontario Basketball Association , ParaSport Ontario...Read more