Hello from Halifax!

Change is Imminent by Michele Walker, SIRC When a city is awarded the Canada Games, there is no doubt change is imminent. Businesses stock up on more supplies. Staff get extra hours. Hotels are fully booked at a time of year that most would not be. There are more flights in and out of your city. Schools change their schedule. In fact, one of the biggest changes affects everyone in the entire...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Designing the medals for the Canada Games! by Michele Walker, SIRC Besides competing for the Canada Games Flag as a proud member of the winning province at the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Halifax, Nova Scotia, it’s fair to say that most athletes really want to win a medal. Gold, of course, is best. But there are times when circumstances dictate that winning the bronze or silver medal, can feel...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Team Sask Canada Winter Games 2011 by Briana Bolduc, Team Saskatchewan Mission Staff We are about halfway through the first week of the 2011 Canada Winter Games and boy is it an experience. My name is Briana Bolduc and I am Mission Staff for We have had a few hard fought losses so far, but also a few wins. As of right now we have two medals in Target Shooting; gold and silver. Our athletes are...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Celebrating Nova Scotia Day! by Brandie Adam s , SIRC Reference Librarian Today was Nova Scotia Day and what a day it was! The Games started early with Artistic Gymnastics, Biathlon, Curling, Freestyle skiing, Hockey, Long Track Speed Skating, Ringette, Short Track Speed Skating, Squash, Target Shooting and Wheelchair Basketball all competing around the city. In the evening “ Celebration Square...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

by Brandie Adams , SIRC Reference Librarian Today was a great day at the 2011 Halifax Canada Games. The athletes experienced fast times at the Canada Games Oval . Was it the sun? Was it the fabulous crowd? Was it the warm weather? Does it matter? It was a fantastic time with people surrounding the oval, filling the stands and standing on the snowbanks outside the gates to catch a glimpse of the...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

The loudest and the proudest! by Team PEI, Canada Games 2011 EI too on the outstanding Opening Ceremonies, and a big well done to the Host Society on the great job so far. We are having a great time, are looking forward to the competition, and making the friendships that we know will be forged over the next two weeks. A word of warning though – we may be small, but we are mighty, and Team PEI,...Read more

Hello From Halifax!

by Brandie Adams , SIRC Reference Librarian The SIRC Mobile Resource Centre is up and running at Coach House in the Delta Barrington. Partnering with Coaches of Canada our goal is to connect with Canada Games coaches by providing a fantastic lounge for them to use over the next few weeks. To help make this happen Wayne Parro (Coaches of Canada) and Brandie Adams (SIRC) headed to the Chef de...Read more

Hello From Halifax!

by Brandie Adams - SIRC Reference Librarian "Some of you are posed for glory but we can not know who; not the champions or the victory dances which will ensue. Already tonight some athletes are organizing strategies; it takes desire of a certain kind to get to these finish lines. " – Tania Davis Let the Games Begin! Friday night was celebration night in Halifax with the Opening Ceremonies of the...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

It's time to shine by Chris Morrissey Chief Executive Officer – 2011 Canada Winter Games Host Society Opening day. Wow. For many of us, it’s been a long time coming, to say the least. Seems like yesterday we were getting our Board of Directors in place and choosing our venues. But now, the athletes have arrived, the dress rehearsals are done, and the chefs and mission teams are already hard at...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Canada Games 2011 Kick Off by Michele Walker, SIRC After many years in the planning, the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Nova Scotia gets kicked off tonight with its Opening Ceremony which will be held in the Halifax Metro Centre. About 3,200 athletes from 800 Canadian communities will compete over the next 16 days in 22 sports . A unique aspect of the Canada Games is how it splits its sports...Read more