Going for Gold!

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Going for Gold! With the 2012 Paralympics just around the corner (Aug. 29-Sept. 9), adaptive athletes are putting on the finishing touches to their preparations. The excitement and spirit of competition will come alive for 10 days when we all get to watch the dedication, hard work and motivation that will pay off when this year's Canadian Paralympians go for...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

By Brandie Adams , SIRC Reference Librarian The action at the Canada Games is happening everywhere. Whether you are in the stands watching hockey, at the Canada Games Centre watching gymnastics or at Ski Wentworth catching up on freestyle skiing great sport can be seen. There are also concerts, forums, receptions and more to provide the Canada Games community the opportunity to meet and share...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

Designing the medals for the Canada Games! by Michele Walker, SIRC Besides competing for the Canada Games Flag as a proud member of the winning province at the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Halifax, Nova Scotia, it’s fair to say that most athletes really want to win a medal. Gold, of course, is best. But there are times when circumstances dictate that winning the bronze or silver medal, can feel...Read more

It makes you proud to be Canadian…

We are now in the lull of the storm. The Olympic Games wrapped up leaving two weeks until the opening ceremonies of the Paralympic Games . If you are living in one of the other three Canadian time zones it’s just enough time to catch up on some sleep. The last three weeks of the Olympic Games were amazing, fantastic, exciting, unforgettable…the list goes on. There were 2500 athletes from 82...Read more