Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence Celebrates Women in Sport

On Sunday, April 3, 2011 the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE) in Victoria, British Columbia is hosting the 2011 Celebration of Women in Sport (WinS) gala, honouring the best females in sport, with a focus on inspiring the next sporting generation. In its third year, this event also promotes why sport is important in the lives of girls and women in all stages of sport development...Read more

International Women's Day is for Sports Too!

The 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day was officially yesterday. It is THE day to celebrate the political, social and economic advancements of women. The new millennium has seen a significant change and attitude shift in both women's (and men’s) thoughts about women's equity and liberation. There has also been significant progress in the world of sport. One hundred years ago it would...Read more

Hello from Halifax!

By Brandie Adams , SIRC Reference Librarian The action at the Canada Games is happening everywhere. Whether you are in the stands watching hockey, at the Canada Games Centre watching gymnastics or at Ski Wentworth catching up on freestyle skiing great sport can be seen. There are also concerts, forums, receptions and more to provide the Canada Games community the opportunity to meet and share...Read more