CASM /SIRC Membership Benefits … Ask , Search, Receive

CASM members love SIRC. They love getting the SIRC Newsletters and SIRC Daily Press Releases but have a feeling there is more and they want to know how to tap into it. Brandie Adams and Nancy Rebel were more than willing to explain some of the additional benefits. The three member benefits they highlighted to CASM were: Ask A Librarian. The librarians and information specialists at SIRC are...Read more

SIRC at the CASM-OMA Sport Medicine Conference

Being highlighted at two pre-conference workshops, SIRC started off the CASM Conference with a bang. First, Reference Librarian, Brandie Adams spoke about membership during the Osteoarthritis Workshop Wednesday morning. Then, the article “The Sport Specific Movement Assessment” by Bruce Craven published in SIRCuit was highlighted during the Injury Prevention session. In the evening, Nancy Rebel...Read more