Making waves in the big pond!

On their pathway to higher competition, athletes find themselves adapting to different levels of competition and moving from being the "big fish in the little pond" to the "little fish in the big pond" as a recent article in the SIRC Collection says. This move from being the best at one level to being one of the many who are the best at the next can often be a psychological challenge for many...Read more

Be Confident and Don’t Think Too Much

Sprinters can be found in sports such as swimming, kayak or running and the psychological demands are much different than that of distance athletes. An article recently published in Splash discusses mental tips for sprinters. They may be basic but they cover the essentials. Controlling Your Arousal o You need to find the right balance of adrenaline at the beginning of a race. Too much energy...Read more

Building Confidence

September brings with it a season of change and a sense of beginning … back to school, back to work after the summer, a beginning of a new season of training. Change and new beginnings often bring a sense of nervous anticipation as we deal with all the feelings that are brought to the surface. How can we build our confidence to address these feelings? A recent article in the SIRC Collection looks...Read more