Webinar: What Does Cannabis Legalization Mean for Your Workplace?

Event Date: Nov. 21, 2018

Julia Dales, an Associate lawyer with Dentons joins SIRC to discuss cannabis laws in...Read more


Event Date: Oct. 17, 2017

Grouping young athletes according to chronological age is the most common method used to...Read more


This webinar aims to support national sport organizations, multisport service organizations and Canadian sport centres/institutes in increasing their engagement and capacity regarding the promotion and recognition of official languages within the Canadian sport system. Practical tools, tips and resources that can help organizations integrate official languages into their programs and services will be presented.

Topics to be addressed include:


This webinar will profile CAAWS’ resource developed for coaches and sport administrators to learn best practices and tips to make sport more welcoming to LGBT athletes and coaches. During the session, key topics from the resource will be highlighted, including taking stock in your organization, how to use inclusive language and address disrespectful language, dealing with an LGBT athlete or coach coming out to you, addressing locker room concerns, and more.


This webinar is designed especially for sports organizations that want to take a professional approach towards sponsorship revenue generation. It examines the latest trends and best practices in sponsorships and shows what you must do to effectively recruit and retain sponsors.

You will learn about:


Join us for a discussion on governance topics in the not for profit world. This webinar will cover such areas as good governance practices, various models of Board structure, the role & responsibilities of Directors, policies and their purpose. In addition, an update Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act will be provided.


Presentation Slides

Board Orientation


Club administrators are finding it increasingly challenging to recruit and retain the HQV – the highly qualified volunteer. This workshop will provide participants with the knowledge they need to recruit, retain, recognize and retire volunteers.



Are you considering hosting the next big event in your sport town or city?  Hosted by Jason Robinson from the Sport Law & Strategy Group, this presentation will tackle the challenges that local clubs and organizations face when considering an event bid. Often with limited resources and a largely volunteer driven core, the prospect of hosting and submitting a bid can be daunting to a local team.


We are all working in a constantly changing environment. Whether the process involves a large organizational or departmental change, a future planned movement that will disrupt activities, or the constantly changing daily priorities that affect consistency; it is disconcerting and stressful to go through the process. How do we cope with it all? How do we deal with the myriad of emotions that change involves and still remain focused on what is important?


Are you coaching a young group of 6 and 7 year old community athletes or a competitive team of teens? No matter the age or the level, proper nutrition is essential for your teams’ performance and overall health.

In this webinar Kim covers:

  • The key concepts of nutrition – a quick review of the Who, What and Why of healthy eating
  • A review of common myths and misconceptions
  • Fueling, recovery and timing
  • On the road – eating during tournaments
  • Putting it all together – how to talk to your team



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