Building a genuine feedback culture within your sport starts at the top

Sport is often held aloft as an example of an environment where feedback flows easily. As a communications coach and management consultant working with business leaders across North America, I often publicly herald the virtues of the feedback culture I witnessed and experienced in the sport arena, and criticize the dearth of effective feedback habits in the corporate world. But using sport as the...Read more

Coaching - Motivating Young Athletes

A coaches job can assume many roles within a young athlete's life; they can be an instructor, a mentor, a role model and sometimes a friend or confidant. Coaches have the ability to positively influence a youth's decision to continue their involvement in sport. So what do you do if your player or team is lacking the motivation for success? Provide encouragement - acceptance and approval by...Read more

Coaching and Constructive Feedback

The goal of great coaching is to guide, inspire and empower athletes to develop to their fullest potential. Much of coaching depends on the ability of the coach to communicate criticism in a way that fosters trust and positive outcomes. Providing constructive feedback can be one of the most challenging skills for coaches to master but when done properly can yield great results. Every athlete and...Read more