Inclusion requires action! Creating inclusion for newcomers to Canada

It is clear that the next generation will be diverse, multicultural and, apparently, much less fit than the previous generations. Research points in this general direction, but results from the recent TOPO survey , released in May 2018, demonstrates this trend clearly. The 2017 survey engaged 13,400 children and 7,800 parents across all school boards on the Island of Montreal to explore lifestyle...Read more

Running with the Pack

Running alone certainly has its perks - having quiet time to unplug is a big one. But if you want to improve as a runner, one of the best ways to do it is to run with a group. Group runners tend to run more frequently, as encouragement from friends can overcome the urge to back out of a workout. Some friendly competition along with a supportive environment encourages you not only to show up, but...Read more

Newcomers and Physical Activity

Part of being Canadian means not only engaging in a healthy life style, but participating in some sort of physical activity. And there is no better place to do this than the vast and great outdoors of this country. There are parts of Canada that literally beg you to be outside, while there are others where the scenery may be more of the concrete persuasion, but the experience and outcome can...Read more