Can fruit juice help fight off obesity?

Fruit juice can be good for you! Recent studies are showing some positive results for juice drinkers. In a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics it was determined that a daily glass of fruit juice can lower the BMI (body mass index) of adult Canadians. Results from a study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion indicated that youth who consumed 100% fruit...Read more

SIRC on the Road in Charlotte, NC

Nancy Rebel, one of SIRC’s sport librarians, attended the Joint Commission on Sports Medicine & Science ( JCSMS ) Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina this weekend. The purpose of the Joint Commission is to provide a platform through which the leaders of sports medicine and exercise science organizations from the United States and Canada can convene to promote cooperation and...Read more

Getting kids active!

So we’ve made the commitment to get ourselves healthy and active in the new year … but what about our kids? The good news is that the number of Canadian children who are active is on the rise ; however there is much work still to be done. ParticipACTION has compiled the latest facts and stats on the state of physical activity and inactivity for children in Canada. With physical activity pegged as...Read more