
Are you ready? Key things to think about for succession planning.

What would happen if your CEO or Executive Director was suddenly unable to perform their job, or left for a new position? Or if a key Board member, Finance Director or high performance director left in advance of a critical competition? Is your organization ready?


Executive Directors and Board Members in sport organizations, often find themselves in the midst of conflict, either between themselves or with national or provincial counterparts. Today’s session will explore the most common internal and external conflicts and provide some advice on how best to avoid these problems and how to handle those that couldn’t be avoided.


Lessons in Crisis Management for National Sports Organizations

Crisis management is as much an expression of leadership as it is of organizational responsiveness. Outstanding leaders prepare their organization for an emergency, instill values that would support a powerful, ethical response and - when the crisis hits - lead from the front and communicate in an open and powerful way.


Over 277 million professionals use LinkedIn on a regular basis to connect with colleagues, and discover breaking news and professional insights. Are you, your staff and your Board maximizing the power of LinkedIn?

This webinar presentation will provide participants with an overview of strategies to leverage LinkedIn to grow organizational capacity for the sport sector, and to enhance personal career growth.


The purpose of this webinar is to promote, across the country, best practices and examples of Canadian Sport Policy (CSP) implementation. The webinar has 3 panelists sharing, 1 or 2 of their programs that best illustrate the Canadian Sport Policy 2.0 being implemented in the sport community. The goal of this webinar is to Increase awareness of CSP and encourage knowledge sharing.

The three panelists will highlight:


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