Running with the Pack
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 10:46
Running alone certainly has its perks - having quiet time to unplug is a big one. But if you want to improve as a runner, one of the best ways to do it is to run with a group. Group runners tend to run more frequently, as encouragement from friends can overcome the urge to back out of a workout. Some friendly competition along with a supportive environment encourages you not only to show up, but to give it your all.
Some benefits to running with a group include:
- Social Time - Group camaraderie can be a great stress relief and a time out from everyday pressures
- Safety - In traffic, a group is easier to see and for the criminal elements, you're less likely to be accosted in a group setting.
- Social Facilitation - is the tendency for people to perform better when in the presence of other people.
If you want to join a workout group some different methods to try might include:
- Kijiji
- Local newspaper
- Internet searching
- Visit your neighbourhood running store (Running Room)
If you find that none of the local clubs fit your style, you can form your own; as a result, you’ll boost your fitness, become a better runner, and maintain a positive attitude about running.
References from the SIRC Collection
1. Hanc J. Run Together. Runner's World [serial online]. August 2005;40(8):33-34.
2. Ratliffe T, Bostick A. Encouraging physical activity beyond class time: running and walking clubs. Teaching Elementary Physical Education [serial online].
3. Strachan S, Shields C, Glassford A, Beatty J. Role and group identity and adjustment to the possibility of running group disbandment. Psychology Of Sport & Exercise [serial online].