Coaching: Communities of Practice

A community of practice (CoP) was coined in 1991 to describe a group of people sharing a common concern or passion, who interact regularly to learn how to do it better. A recent article in JOPERD discusses how CoPs can be fantastic educational tools for interscholastic coaches. However, CoPs can be incorporated in many coaching situations as shown through research by Dr. Diane Culver and Dr...Read more

Coaches Association of Ontario – The Time is Now

This past weekend SIRC attended the 4th Annual Coaches Association of Ontario Coaches Conference – The Time Is Now . The conference was attended by almost 300 delegates from across Ontario and was held at the University of Guelph . SIRC participated in the trade show portion of the conference and Amanda Street-Bishop, Information Specialist at the SIRC Regional office in Toronto, presented a...Read more

What are coaches reading?

According to a recent issue of Olympic Coach, a lot! And you would be surprised at some of the titles. Oh there are the usual suspects – Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training , Athletic Development: The Art and Science of Functional Sports Training , and Running – Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology Applied in Practice But then there are some unusual titles. Books such as Mindset by...Read more

Week Two is under way!

Yesterday was the first day of events for week two. After practices being cancelled on Sunday because of rain and wind (Hurricane Bill) everyone was ready for the week to begin. It seemed like the perfect day for outdoor sport with a mild temperature and very little wind. From the sounds of things the indoor action for volleyball and swimming was equally as exciting. There are a few first at the...Read more

The 2009 Canada Games have started!

Hi, my name is Brandie Adams and I am the Reference Librarian at SIRC. I’m very excited to be attending the 2009 Canada Games in Prince Edward Island. If the energy and the weather continue like this they are sure to be the best Games yet! I could be slightly bias, I’m from PEI and it is a wonderful feeling to look around and see the whole Island get involved and support Canadian sport. The...Read more


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