
Muscle hypertrophy (increase in fiber size) is an important outcome of resistance training. Typical guidelines for developing muscle hypertrophy include repetitions in the range of 5-12 and loads in the range of 70-85% of 1 Repetition Maximum (RM). This type of loading mechanically stresses the muscle fiber and recruits the entire motor unit pool.


This review discusses the parameters of power output and training with links to specific sport movement characteristics. The force-velocity relationship is the main topic and parameters we can manipulate to train power output are presented with evidence and practical examples. Training modalities are discussed in terms of motion pattern, velocity, and loading, regarding sport specificity. This paper helps in logically selecting training modalities.

Getting Started. Female Coaches in Sport

If you take a look at the Canadian women involved in elite coaching today, any of them could easily be a role model for future women looking to make a difference through coaching. However the early stages of a female coach’s career are the most important to ensure continued participation, as concluded by Laval University professor Guylaine Demers . Her research has identified several common...Read more

Improving your game

Is your short game in golf hindering your ability to close out games? Are your competitors dropping you on hills during races? In any competition, an athlete wants to go in well prepared in order to be able to accomplish his or her goals. However, some of us neglect to identify and correct our weaknesses and during competition, they can factor into the outcome you are trying to attain. If you...Read more

Perspectives in physical education and sport

Event Date: May. 23, 2014 to May. 24, 2014

A great conference who had XIII editions before and where is present 100-200 professors,...Read more

2014 Canadian Coaching Conference

Event Date: Mar. 25, 2014

More info here...Read more

Get Swimming

Get Swimming Offers Coaching Programs with Prizes..Aliquam eu nunc. Fusce a quam. Sed hendrerit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce id purus. Sed a libero.

Proin pretium, leo ac pellentesque mollis, felis nunc ultrices eros, sed...

Tags: CoachingSwimming

Coaching Docs From Conference

At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Tags: Coachingfeatured

Improving your game

Is your short game in golf hindering your ability to close out games? Are your competitors dropping you on hills during races? In any competition, an athlete wants to go in well prepared in order to be able to accomplish his or her goals. However, some of us neglect to identify and correct our weaknesses and during competition, they can factor into the outcome you are trying to attain. If you...Read more

What is Physical Literacy?

by Leigh Cove Algonquin College Sport Business Management Intern Muscle memory is a well-known term in active living and sport. The idea that once you have learned something and practiced it, your muscles will begin to move with the pattern of the motions each time you use them until those patterns become natural. Physical literacy takes this idea and applies it to the learning and development of...Read more


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