
Overtraining occurs when athletes go beyond their training regiments and do not allow enough time for the body to recover. This can damage muscles, tendons, and ligaments and even have a mental effect on the athlete. There are also cases when athletes become ill right before their major event due to overtraining. This is often caused by athletes who are already at their capacity training too hard...Read more

Knowledge in Action!

/*--> */ November is a busy month in the world of sport information sharing and knowledge transfer. With a variety of conferences and summits on the calendar, SIRC will be present in the following locations: Sport Canada Research Initiative Conference (SCRI) – Aylmer, Quebec (November 3, 2011) SIRC hosts sport researchers, policy makers and practitioners sharing their knowledge and expertise with...Read more

Networking is also Face-to-Face!

Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that everyone is, on average, about six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person on Earth. The ability to successfully network in the sports world is a talent on its own, and is one that is a necessary component to supporting a career in coaching, sports administration, communications or marketing, along with many more areas. The world...Read more

SIRC Newsletter - Coaching

Whether you are a grassroots or high performance coach, in the boardroom or in the field, this is an excellent time to think about your coaching style. When is the last time you thought about your coaching philosophy, evaluated guidelines or policies related to your work or took a coaching education course? There are great national and provincial associations out there to help you like Coaches of...Read more

SIRC Newsletter: High School Sport

September means back to school for most Canadians. Getting ready for the arrival of students can be a major task for teachers, coaches, and administrators. Questions may arise on anything from planning a fitness program to creating risk management strategies. As a student-athlete, knowing what coaches are looking for in tryouts or how to prepare for your university or college athletic future may...Read more

Applause is the Parent's New Cheer!

Players play, coaches coach, referees officiate and parents cheer! They all have their role at a sporting event. It is pretty common place that parents cheer some form of encouragement from the sidelines in an effort to guide the child to experience a positive outcome. However, all too often, well intended parents become overly enthusiastic with advice and instruction. Turns out, this could be...Read more

New Canadians Have New Opportunties

Statistics show that using sport is one of the most effective and fastest ways that New Canadians can assimilate into Canadian society. SIRC recently attended a “Sport and Diversity” session hosted by SPORT4ONTARIO at the Sport Alliance Building in Toronto, where three organizations presented on how they are expanding their services to insure that there are programs directed towards assisting New...Read more

Coaches and the Female Athlete Triad

There are awkward conversations some coaches avoid having with their female athletes. One of these discussions may be about the menstrual cycle, especially by male coaches. This awkwardness can be avoided by educating your athletes on the Female Athlete Triad . The three clusters of the triad are: Disordered Eating (poor nutrition), Menstrual dysfunction (irregular or loss of period), and...Read more

Coaching Do's and Don'ts

We all want our young athletes to be the best that they can be. And in order for athletes to be at their best, their coaches also need to be at their best. Supporting coaches through a very stressful competitive season should be high on everyone’s priority list. What can coaches do to focus less on stress and more on constructive teaching moments? A recent article in the SIRC Collection (Arnold,...Read more


Check out the latest SIRC Newsletter on Coaching ! Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can get the support of another to accomplish a goal or task. In order to be a good leader and coach you must possess certain skills and knowledge to be able to guide your team in the best direction to reach your goals. Studies have shown that a person with a growth...Read more


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