Concussion in Sport - Translating Evidence into Action

From playgrounds to international podiums, millions of Canadians participate in sport every day. While the health and social benefits of participating in sport far outweigh any potential risks, there are risks of injury. Whether you’re a coach, administrator, parent or athlete, we all have a role to play in ensuring sport is as safe as possible, and in the event of an injury, that athlete...Read more

National Health and Fitness Day – June 2, 2018

The National Health and Fitness Day Act was passed in 2014, designating the first Saturday in June as National Health and Fitness Day (NHFD). NHFD is intended to draw attention to declining rates of physical activity and increasing rates of preventable illness, and ultimately encourage Canadians to reap the benefits of active living. This year, more than 350 communities across the country have...Read more

International Day of Persons with Disability

According to the Canadian Survey on Disability , 3.8 million Canadians self identified as disabled in 2012. On December 3 rd , the United Nation’s promotes International Day of Persons with Disability and the theme for 2014 will be “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. The UN has championed this day since 1992 to highlight the social, physical and economical barriers that people...Read more

Building Board and CEO Relationships - What Volunteers Bring to the Board-CEO Relationship

Tags: Sport Governance and LeadershipRolesGuidelines

Roles and Responsibilities of a Governance Board of Directors

Tags: Sport Governance and LeadershipRolesGuidelines

Not a Rocking Chair! How board chairs can provide strategic leadership to public purpose organizations

Tags: Sport Governance and LeadershipRolesGuidelines

Primer for Directors of Not-For-Profit Corporations (Industry Canada)

Tags: Sport Governance and LeadershipRolesGuidelines

Primer for Directors of Not-For-Profit Corporations (Industry Canada)

Tags: Sport Governance and LeadershipRolesGuidelines


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