Sport Insight: The rule change that revolutionized curling

SIRC’s Sport Insight series features blogs and articles that examine innovation and evolution in the sport landscape. It started as a practice drill between two brothers and grew into the rule that transformed the sport of curling: the Free Guard Zone rule. Russ Howard, one of the best skips in Canadian curling history, is credited with devising the first version of the rule in the 1980s – and it...Read more

Athlete Perspective: How to manage social media during competition

SIRC’s Athlete Perspective series provides insight and recommendations on key issues from an athlete’s perspective. The collection of blogs and SIRCuit articles profiles Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes and taps into their lived experience. While social media can have many positive uses for athletes, such as interacting with fans, creating a brand, and providing value for sponsors,...Read more

Sonja Gaudet

Competing in the sport since its induction to the Winter Paralympics in Torino 2006, Sonja Gaudet has become the world’s most decorated wheelchair curler. Sonja is a two time gold medal Paralympian and is a three time World Wheelchair Curling Champion. When not found at the rink, Sonja likes to dedicate her time to addressing issues of accessibility in her community and works to create...Read more

Sonja Gaudet

Sonja Gaudet, qui participe au curling en fauteuil roulant depuis son introduction aux Jeux Paralympiques d’hiver de Turin, en 2006, est devenue la joueuse la plus primée au monde dans ce sport. Sonja a remporté deux médailles d’or paralympiques et a gagné à trois reprises le championnat mondial de curling en fauteuil roulant. Lorsqu’elle n’est pas sur la glace, Sonja se dévoue à régler des...Read more

E.J. Harnden

E.J. Harnden is the second on the Canadian Olympic Curling team. Harnden is lucky to share this amazing accomplishment with his brother Ryan who is the lead on the team. The family ties for curling run even deeper than that, when he attended the Brier in 2008 it was on a team skipped by his father Eric. He and his brother are also cousins to the current skip of Team Canada Brad Jacobs. The...Read more

E.J. Harnden

E.J. Harnden est le deuxième joueur de l’équipe olympique canadienne de curling. Il a la chance de partager l’honneur de représenter son pays avec son frère Ryan, qui est le chef d’équipe. Mais les liens familiaux ne s’arrêtent pas là. Lorsqu’il a participé au tournoi Brier en 2008, il faisait partie d’une équipe menée par son père, Eric. Il est également cousin avec Brad Jacobs, chef actuel de l...Read more

Curling for Everyone!

/*--> */ While fall proclaims a new school year for parents and children, it also signals the beginning of the new curling season. Canadians have always taken their curling very seriously, and can justifiably look for medals (gold preferably) when it comes to the World Championships and the Olympic Winter Games. As leading experts of the game, an important element of continuing high levels of...Read more