Jean-Philippe Le Guellec

Jean-Philippe Le Guellec is definitely making fresh tracks for Canada in biathlon. Leading up to his third Olympic appearance in Sochi 2014 Jean-Philippe has made history by becoming the first Canadian man to win a World Cup medal back in 2012. Main goals of his athletic career have been to demonstrate Canada’s dominance in the sport of biathlon, and to inspire young athletes in fulfilling their...Read more

Jean-Philippe Le Guellec

Il n'y a aucun doute que Jean-Philippe Le Guellec en mettra plein la vue au biathlon pour le Canada, lui qui amorce ses troisièmes Jeux Olympiques à Sotchi 2014. En 2012, il a établi un record, en devenant le premier homme canadien à remporter une médaille de la coupe du monde. Les principaux objectifs de sa carrière athlétique ont été de démontrer la dominance du Canada au biathlon et d'inspirer...Read more

Meet Megan Imrie!

Sochi 2014 will be Megan Imrie’s second Olympic showing. Being a two time Olympian in biathlon , clearly Megan knows how to juggle tasks and the same can been seen in her everyday life. Along with pursuing her Olympic dream Imrie is working on a degree in psychology through Athabasca University, and in the future would like to attend veterinary school. General Information Date of Birth: February...Read more

Growing into Biathlon

/*--> */ The word biathlon is of Greek origin and means "two tests". The sport of biathlon combines the two sports of skiing and shooting . Athletes must complete a cross country ski race stopping throughout the course to shoot at a series of targets. The sport is challenging both physically and mentally. It is not just about being the fastest skier, athletes must control their body and relax...Read more