Conference Resources



Girls & Women in Sport: Research to Practice

Nicole LaVoi, The Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport

Plenary Research Presentations


Laura Wood, University of Waterloo

Managing Sport Events to Maximize Positive Impacts  


Luc Nadeau, Laval University

Effects of a Learning Game through Understanding Approach on the Learning of Tactical Skills and the Improvement of Performance in Team Sports


Marijke Taks, University of Ottawa  

Building Capacity for Sport Participation through Events


Jay Scherer, University of Alberta

Uneven Development: The Politics of the Edmonton Arena Community Benefits Agreement


Nicholas Holt, University of Alberta

Promoting Exemplary Parenting in Youth Sport


Martin Camiré, University of Ottawa

Development and Evaluation of the Coaching for Life Skills Training Program for High School Coaches



Sport Practitioner Presentations: Sport Organizations Maximizing Research 


Research Posters

Poster presentations

*Available in the language presented



University of Ottawa Infograpic Project

Photos from the conference can be found here

Watch the live conference feed on Facebook.