
When working with elite female athletes as a sport scientist, support staff or coach, it is critical to gain an understanding of their dietary practices. Making the assumption that they are fueling their bodies properly for training and competition may not be appropriate. This Canadian research article took a comprehensive analysis of the dietary habits of 33 junior elite female soccer players and presented the findings in a manner that highlights the inadequacies in both macro and micronutrients.


Video analysis has long been consid­ered the most practical and relevant method for monitoring athlete perfor­mance; however, the recent trend of utilizing multi-functional sensors to monitor performance has increased dramatically due to the decrease in size and the overall practicality of these sensors to monitor sport per­formance.


Progressing and excelling in sport is partly about the athlete effectively processing feedback, whether it is internal feedback that an athlete receives from sensory perception, external feedback as they watch video or technical information that is provided verbally. We often assume that once feedback is delivered then the change can be made. It sounds simple, however this is not the case


Its a good time for a bit of extra reading. Rather than identifying an article, this time I would like to highlight an entire issue of interest. The British Journal ofSports Medicine recently published an entire issue on “What really limits performance”. Dr. Timothy Noakes acted as a guest editor, and wrote a great piece on the Central Governor Model and the regulation of human exercise performance. There are eight papers that provide great reading and are thought provoking. Recommended reading! 


With almost 200,000 Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries occurring annually in the United States and nearly half of them requiring reconstructive surgery, years of research have been conducted on this common orthopaedic surgery. Following the surgical procedure, the need for a scientifically based rehabilitation program and a well-designed return to sport plan are essential. This article provides the reader with a review of the recent advancements and treatment goals for a successful rehabilitation following ACL surgery.


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