It's more than just an injury

Often when athletes get injured and have to spend time away from sport, we only think about the recovery of the physical injury. A successful return to competition can be dependent on psychological rehabilitation as well. An article from Athletic Therapy Today, ' Psychological Rehabilitation for Recovery From Injury: The SCRAPE Approach ' by Christopher James Hinderliter and Bradley J. Cardinal,...Read more

Looking on the Bright Side!

We have often heard that a person’s attitude can colour their view of any situation. Someone with a positive attitude will see a situation quite differently than someone with a more negative attitude. When we have a positive attitude about a situation things seem to go much easier than if we are fighting ourselves. So how can attitude affect us in our fitness and sporting lives? And how can we...Read more

Can Deception Improve Athletic Performance?

When we're trying to climb a particularly steep hill, or run those last few kilometers in the marathon, we often try to trick our minds into ignoring any possible aches and pains or believing that those distances are shorter than they seem. If we use it in the context of making an effort seem easier, is it possible to use deception to make performance better? According to an interesting res earch...Read more

Is the Sky Always Going to be the Limit?

Year after year, games after games, championship after championship, athletes continue to set world records and all-time best results. But can athletic human performance continue to improve indefinitely? One might contemplate that the time will come when athletes will no longer be faster, higher and stronger. A ccording to a South Korean study of athletics and swimming in the International...Read more

How Superstitious Are You?

Superstitions have been part of our lives since the beginning of time and nowhere is this more prevalent than in the world of sports! They are mostly developed by an athlete in hindsight, because a particular outcome occurred (positive or negative) when doing a certain ritual. Athletes especially find it necessary to attribute a ‘cause and effect’ to particular results and they will attempt to...Read more

Eliminate Procrastination in the New Year!

Procrastination: putting off the important, essential tasks we need to do today and filling our time with distractions. It’s a new year. Resolutions have been made and in some cases may already be broken however it’s only January 4th. You can get back on track! Don’t let procrastination get the better of you. It doesn’t matter whether you are an elite or recreational athlete, coach, event planner...Read more

Sport Injury Psychology

In a recent article in the SIRC Collection Dr. John Heil talks about the "10 Challenges" faced by the injured and recovering athlete, and the psychological tools that can help the athlete meet these challenges. He suggests that by approaching injury rehabilitation as part of the game that an athlete must play, the athlete can transfer sport skills to their rehabilitation. The following are the...Read more