Regulating Pre-performance Psychobiosocial States with Music.

SIRC Highlights from the Study Study background: For athletes at high levels, the ability to control one’s mind in the moments leading up to performance is a key element of pre-performance preparation. Music has been used by many athletes as a way of addressing pre-performance states in a variety of ways. Some use it as a way to calm their nerves, some use it to psych themselves up, some use it...Read more

Get yourself pumped up with a great playlist!

Many studies have shown that music provides a welcome distraction from discomfort and is a great mood booster. It encourages a person to move with the beat of each song and has the capacity to increase energy and improve physical performance. This is great news for anyone that may have trouble motivating themselves to exercise since all of the above have great applications for both the...Read more

The effectiveness of a pre-competition routine

Athletes train to be able to perform with confidence during competition. They prepare both physically and mentally for all sceneries but there are situations that athletes cannot control on competition day such as weather, the venue or their opponents. Sometimes the unexpected can happen creating unwanted stresses. One way to help ensure athletes feel they have some sense of control is by having...Read more

Happy Holidays from SIRC!

SIRC Newsletter: Happy Holidays from SIRC It's the holiday season again and getting outside in the wintertime can be a great way for you and your family to stay active during the cold winter months. As the temperature drops and the snow falls it can be hard to resist the urge to hide inside but for intrepid adventurers winter offers up some...Read more

Music for Motivation

Everyone has those days. It's filled with stress and things just dont’t seem to go your way. On those days it just seems more appealing to stay in your pajamas rather than working out. So why not use music as a motivational tool to get your body moving. The idea that music motivates you during exercise is not new, but what is interesting is that recent studies have indicated that music can...Read more

What’s on your playlist?

Now that you’ve made that resolution to have a fitter 2010, it’s time to lace up your trainers and get moving. A great way to get into the exercise groove is to listen to music, which will help to motivate you through our workout. Music can help you ignore the aches and pains or fatigue and also help regulate your pace. Science now tells us that songs with the right characteristics can increase...Read more