Can Omega-3 fats aid performance?

Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fat found naturally in fish oils, which have long been thought to be good for general health. There are claims that it improves everything from brain function, to cardiovascular health, but does it give athletes an edge? A recent study found that Omega-3 fatty acids may increase physical conditioning by improving the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory...Read more

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 12:13

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Mental Training You’ve worked hard and your body is in peak condition, it’s important to ensure your mind is also ready for the competition ahead. Studies show that the highest achieving athletes are those who train not just physically, but mentally as well. Every athlete has suffered from nervousness or anxiety and without mental training these nerves will...Read more

Is the Sky Always Going to be the Limit?

Year after year, games after games, championship after championship, athletes continue to set world records and all-time best results. But can athletic human performance continue to improve indefinitely? One might contemplate that the time will come when athletes will no longer be faster, higher and stronger. A ccording to a South Korean study of athletics and swimming in the International...Read more

To stretch or not to stretch – that is the question?

Who hasn’t begun a run, exercise session or volleyball game with a bit of static stretching? You see it everywhere – runners stretching their hamstrings while pushing against trees and stretching their Achilles tendon using street curbs, and then setting out for their run. But is this really doing your muscles and energy systems any good for your pending athletic performance? Once an essential...Read more

Alcohol and Athletic Performance

There has been a lot written on the association between alcohol and athletes. A recent article into the SIRC Collection discusses the physiological aspects alcohol consumption and its impacts on athletic performance from a nutritionist’s perspective. Alcohol affects each organ in the body and is related to a number of diseases. While the amount of alcohol consumed and cumulative effects of...Read more