Work-Life Balance

In today’s world of instant information and accessibility to technology, it is tough to balance work, life and family. We live in a world in which your boss can instantly send you an email when you are not at the office, or maybe call you due to some project deadline that is looming. Now add to the equation that you are an elite athlete, with aspirations of representing your country at the...Read more

Talent Identification

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Talent Identification The process of detecting, identifying, and selecting talent is an enormous and difficult challenge that has long been discussed by National Sport Organizations, coaches and sport science experts, among others. Currently, the majority of organizations have talent identification or talent emergence programs in place, with all of them...Read more

Twitching Muscles

While watching the Olympics, did you ever wonder why there was such a big difference in the physiology of endurance runners and sprint runners? Turns out, it's all in their genes. Humans have three different types of muscle fibres : Slow-twitch (Type I) - fibres are used for aerobic activities requiring low-level force production, such as walking and maintaining your posture. To be successful as...Read more

Train Like an Olympian

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Train Like an Olympian With everyone talking about the London 2012 Olympics, it’s fun to see what elite athletes do to attain such high levels of performance. For most athletes, the Olympics is the peak of their athletic career and as such, they strive to reach the highest levels of achievement. Training is long and intense and sometimes comes with setbacks,...Read more

University of Toronto Gets Green Light for New Sports Lab

The Faculty of Physical Education and Health at the University of Toronto has announced that the build is on for a dazzling new sports lab facility geared towards high performance sports science research. With inspiration and direction from the previous Dean of Physical Education and Olympian, Bruce Kidd , the The Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport will open its doors in 2014 in downtown...Read more

2011 SIRC Research Award

Call for Papers SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre) is proud to announce the official launch of the 2011 SIRC Research Award and the SIRC Research Development Award. SIRC invites Canadians associated with a Canadian University or degree granting institution to submit their original sport related research for consideration of the 2011 SIRC Research Award. SIRC Research Award The SIRC Research...Read more


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