A Different Kind of Athlete

Athletes. They come in all shapes, size and types. They are high performance, professional, amateur, recreational, college and high school. They are also industrial. Unlike the sporting athlete who is physically trained to participate in their sport, encouraged to take the appropriate amount of rest, receives professional sports medicine and nutritional advice, the industrial athlete is not. They...Read more

Ice, Ice Baby!

Ice or heat? This is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding injury management following an acute or slow developing chronic injury. While ice packs and heating pads can be found in almost every household, how do you know which to use and when? The simple rule is that to promote healing, ice, along with compression and elevation of the soft tissue injury site, is commonly used for...Read more

Sink Your Teeth into Sport Safety!

You can sprain your ankle, break a leg, tear a rotator cuff or sustain bruised ribs, but often overlooked in the world of sports medicine and injuries are those suffered in the mouth. Essential in the prevention of athletic oral/facial injuries are properly diagnosed, designed, and custom fabricated mouth guards. Contact sports such as football, boxing, martial arts and hockey require mouth...Read more

The Play Safe Initiative (PSI)

Last week in Toronto, SIRC attended a Sport4Ontario hosted presentation by Brandy Tanenbaum from the Play Safe Initiative (PSI) with the RBC First Office for Injury Prevention at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Sunnybrook RBC-FOIP). As a member of the collaborative Stewardship Group involved with PSI, SIRC has come together with organizations of all sizes and shapes, to commit to...Read more

Pilates: Great for Athletes

With the hectic and time consuming training schedule of athletes, it is often hard to find time to recover from a workout. Add to this the fact that often athletes are repeatedly using the same muscle groups, they are leaving themselves open to injuries. These days, many athletes (especially teenagers) are turning to Pilates as a great way to switch up their work out and help with injury...Read more

Strength Training Injuries on the Rise?

From 1990-2007 the number of injuries related to strength training has nearly doubled. In a study that was published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine earlier this year, the number of injuries have increased overall however there are a few findings that stood out. Males Males represented the most injuries with 82.3% Average age was 27.6 years Most injuries were a result of using free...Read more

Sport Injury Psychology

In a recent article in the SIRC Collection Dr. John Heil talks about the "10 Challenges" faced by the injured and recovering athlete, and the psychological tools that can help the athlete meet these challenges. He suggests that by approaching injury rehabilitation as part of the game that an athlete must play, the athlete can transfer sport skills to their rehabilitation. The following are the...Read more

Weekend Warrior Syndrome – how to prevent sport injuries

Do you suffer from Weekend Warrior Syndrome (WWS) ? Definition: someone who is committed to a sport or activity but, based on life, work, and family demands, has limited time to participate or train for that activity. Doing more than your training allows can often cause injury. Too much training without the rest can also do the same by causing overuse injuries. It is up to you to create the right...Read more