Sport Safety and Accessories

SIRC Newsletter now available online: Sport Accessories and Safety With all the kids back in the classroom, try outs for school sports and classes for phys-ed will be starting up again. Many of you may have already received a note from a coach or phys-ed teacher requesting that students remove all jewelry and accessories before participating in any kind of sport. As a parent or coach, it's...Read more

Managing Calf Strains

Whether you are a high performance or recreational athlete, you have all probably experienced cramps in your calves at one point or another. The main cause of calf strain comes from muscle fatigue and can happen while participating in a variety of different sports. It is commonly believed that cramps can be caused by low electrolytes/sodium but so far there has been no evidence to support that...Read more

When is Pain "Acceptable"?

Anyone who has trained even moderately will have experienced pain sometime during a workout. However, if we all stopped exercising every time we had an ache or pain, we'd never get off of the couch. When you experience pain, it's your body telling you that it is under stress and being potentially damaged. Guidelines are always helpful in determining the extent of an injury but if you are in a lot...Read more

This is going to hurt!

If any of you have been following this year's Tour de France , you have likely witnessed some spectacular crashes. Even if you are not a pro cyclist, many have you have probably fallen off of your bike at some point and the result is quite painful. Road rash , road burn or gravel rash are all names for what is quite simply your skin moving along a rough surface (usually at high speeds), most...Read more

Troubling Tendonitis

What is tendonitis? Tendonitis is a word that is mentioned a lot in the sport industry, but few people really grasp what it is. The word tendonitis means "inflamed tendon." A tendon is a tough band of connective tissue, attached at one end to a muscle and on the other to a bone. It is a common condition in athletes that can cause significant amounts of inflammation, swelling and pain. Why does it...Read more

Ice, Ice Baby!

Ice or heat? This is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding injury management following an acute or slow developing chronic injury. While ice packs and heating pads can be found in almost every household, how do you know which to use and when? The simple rule is that to promote healing, ice, along with compression and elevation of the soft tissue injury site, is commonly used for...Read more

Rugby Injury Crisis?!?

"I prefer rugby to soccer. I enjoy the violence in rugby, except when they start biting each other's ears off." - Elizabeth Taylor (1972) It is said that the birthplace of rugby was 1823 when William Webb Ellis "with fine disregard for the rules of football (remember football was yet to split into the various codes) as played in his time at Rugby school, first took the ball in his arms and ran...Read more