Have Your Say!

Sport Canada , a branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage with the Government of Canada, works to help Canadians participate and excel in sport. Their mandate is to strengthen the involvement that sport has in developing the image of Canada, with respect to identity, culture and society, as well as to develop Federal sport policy in Canada, provide funding to programs in support of sport,...Read more

“Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.”

There is no doubt that water is essential for life considering that 60-70% of our bodies is made up of water. Consuming just the right amount of water is paramount in not only regulating body temperature, but building new cells, eliminating waste and playing its’ part in producing energy. But can you ever have too much of it? The simple answer is yes, especially if you are working out or...Read more

One Stop Shops for Digital Solutions

A case no longer needs to be made for why an organization should be using social media as part of their business plan. We all know that embracing the medium means that customer engagement will improved significantly while allowing for direct customer and member communication and increasing the speed of feedback and results. With an unquestionable increase in the business usage of Facebook,...Read more

Ice, Ice Baby!

Ice or heat? This is one of the most frequently asked questions regarding injury management following an acute or slow developing chronic injury. While ice packs and heating pads can be found in almost every household, how do you know which to use and when? The simple rule is that to promote healing, ice, along with compression and elevation of the soft tissue injury site, is commonly used for...Read more

Third Time is the Charm. Regina Wins the 2014 NAIG!

The Saskatchewan capital city of Regina has been chosen to host the 2014 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) after two previous bid attempts in 2008 and 2011. The event will be organized in cooperation with the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) and the Metis Nation-Saskatchewan , along with the city and the provincial government. The North American Indigenous Games is a multi-...Read more

Can’t Beat Mother Nature – So Be Prepared

Now more than ever, and especially in light of the tornadic devastation that tore apart the town of Joplin, Missouri on the weekend, the sporting and outdoor recreation community needs a reminder of the power of Mother Nature’s fierce intensity. As we travel through spring and get into the swing of all our summer outdoor sports programs and activities, all event organizers, officials,...Read more

How Superstitious Are You?

Superstitions have been part of our lives since the beginning of time and nowhere is this more prevalent than in the world of sports! They are mostly developed by an athlete in hindsight, because a particular outcome occurred (positive or negative) when doing a certain ritual. Athletes especially find it necessary to attribute a ‘cause and effect’ to particular results and they will attempt to...Read more

“The Warning Signs” - Sudden Cardiac Death

The sad facts are that at least 700 Canadians under the age of 35 die from Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) annually, and 50% of those who die suddenly experience at least one of the “The Warning Signs” prior to their deaths. Early medical intervention is the key to preventing SCD in children and young adults since many cardiac arrhythmia disorders are genetic and with proper medical assessment, many...Read more

"Playing for a Greener Future"!

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Qatar Olympic Committee (QNOC), hosted the 9th World Conference on Sport and the Environment this week in Doha, Qatar. Joining the hosts were over 650 participants representing National Olympic Committees (NOC), international federations (IF), the Olympic Games organizing...Read more

Sink Your Teeth into Sport Safety!

You can sprain your ankle, break a leg, tear a rotator cuff or sustain bruised ribs, but often overlooked in the world of sports medicine and injuries are those suffered in the mouth. Essential in the prevention of athletic oral/facial injuries are properly diagnosed, designed, and custom fabricated mouth guards. Contact sports such as football, boxing, martial arts and hockey require mouth...Read more